We are proud to add Fast-Act decontamination products to our product line. Ideal for police, first, and EMT emergency response teams as well as for the prepared citizens.

"FAST-ACT® is a proprietary formulation of non-toxic high-performance specialty materials effective at neutralizing a wide range of toxic chemicals with the added capability to destroy chemical warfare agents. FAST-ACT is non-flammable, non-corrosive, and significantly reduces both liquid and vapor hazards. Since the dry powder neutralizes threats upon contact, on-site incident management and clean up times are reduced.

FAST-ACT is offered in pressurized cylinders capable of addressing both liquid and vapor hazards, manually dispersed containers for liquid hazard treatment, and mitts for equipment and small scale decontamination. FAST-ACT can be safely applied to any liquid spill or vapor release enabling Emergency Responders to utilize one technology when faced with a wide variety of known or unknown chemical hazards."

The FAST-ACT technology is based on the use of safe earth minerals. Earth minerals inherently possess the ability to detoxify harmful chemicals and they are not as efficient as harsher, and often risky man-made concoctions Timilon utilizes unique manufacturing approaches to greatly enhance the beneficial properties of the earth minerals while retaining their natural safety characteristics. 

"The technology has been tested by the following laboratories for chemical breakdown and neutralization applications:

  • Battelle Memorial Institute
  • Edgewood Chemical Biological Command
  • Coal Mines Technical Services
  • Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Additionally, the technology had gone though the Lloyds Register Product Verification Scheme for its ability to decontaminate airborne chemical contamination from enclosed spaces:

  • Certificate PVS 1400001, dated June 17, 2014"

Your department or industrial complex can greatly benefit from this technology.

Check out our entire line of Fast Act products here. Bulk pricing is available by contacting Don Rodgers @ don@rockymountainreadiness.com



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